Gifts of Retirement Plans

Image showing information about Gifs of Retirement Plans

How it works:

  1. You name Baptist Health Care Foundation as the beneficiary of your retirement plan.
  2. Any residual left in your plan when you pass away will transfer to the Foundation tax-free.


  • Avoid the potential double taxation your retirement savings would face if you designated them to your heirs.
  • Continue taking lifetime withdrawals.
  • Maintain flexibility to change your beneficiary if your circumstances change.

Consider a gift from your retirement plan if you:

  • Have a 401(k) or other retirement plan you want to gift the Foundation through your estate plan.
  • Have an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) plan you want to gift directly to the Foundation and you want the Foundation to help facilitate the gift.
  • Want to balance your giving between providing for your family and for the community.
  • Want to ensure the most efficient distribution of the assets in your estate.

Note: The Foundation cannot directly receive IRA gifts, but can help facilitate such a gift for the benefit of Baptist Health Care if you choose.

Please contact us at  850.469.7906 prior to making a gift by will or trust to ensure it follows our Gift Acceptance Policies.