Honor/Memorial Gifts
- Ways To Give: Donate Online| Direct Gifts| Planned Gifts| Honor Your Caregiver| Honor/Memorial Gifts
Giving a gift in honor or memory of a friend, loved one or community member is a touching way to pay tribute to their impact on your life, while supporting the transforming care and essential programs at Baptist Health Care. An acknowledgment card will be sent to the family of the memorialized individual, without mentioning the amount of the gift.
In the event of a loved one’s passing, many families choose to designate the Foundation as the recipient of memorial gifts made in their loved one’s name. We are deeply touched by these meaningful gifts and are honored to work with you to designate a fund or program that holds special significance to your family.
If you choose to list Baptist Health Care Foundation as a recipient of memorial gifts for a loved one, the following example may be helpful:
In lieu of flowers, the family requests that memorial contributions be made to Baptist Health Care Foundation, P.O. Box 17500, Pensacola, FL 32522 or baptisthealthcarefoundation.org. The family thanks you for honoring [Name]’s memory in this special way.
Please call us at 448.227.8150 so we can help you with this very special gift, or make your donation online.