Gifts of Personal Property
- Gifts Anyone Can Make: Gifts by Will or Trust | Gifts of Retirement Plans| Gifts of Appreciated Securities| Gifts of Life Insurance| Gifts of Personal Property
![Image showing information on gifts of personal property.](/Images/WaysToGive/giftsOfPersonalProp.jpg)
How it works:
- You transfer valuable paintings, antiques, collectibles or other personal property to Baptist Health Care Foundation.
- The Foundation may hold on to the property and display or use it in the furtherance of its Mission. The Foundation may sell the property at some point in the future and use the proceeds for its ministries.
- You receive gift credit and an immediate income-tax deduction for the appraised value of your gift and pay no capital-gains tax, provided your gift satisfies the IRS's related use requirements.
- You can make a significant gift now to the Foundation without adversely affecting your cash flow.
Consider a gift of personal property if you:
- Have artwork, books or collectibles that you no longer wish to maintain.
- Have equipment, supplies or other items that would be useful to the Foundation and its ministries.
- Want to avoid capital-gains tax on the transfer of these assets
Please contact us at 850.469.7906 prior to making a gift by will or trust to ensure it follows our Gift Acceptance Policies.