Planned Gifts
- Ways To Give: Donate Online| Direct Gifts| Planned Gifts| Honor Your Caregiver| Honor/Memorial Gifts
For those who wish to make a significant contribution but also want to either defer the gift or retain an income from the assets contributed, a planned gift may be considered. Charitable gift planning can also play a role in an individual’s overall estate planning. There are a variety of ways in which donors may support the Foundation.
- Bequests or Last Will Designations: A donor may make a specific or contingent gift through a will or living trust.
- Retirement Plan Beneficiary Designation: A beneficiary or contingent beneficiary designation of an IRA or 401(k) can be made.
- Charitable Gift Annuity: A donor may establish a charitable gift annuity, which guarantees an annual payment for life based on the current age(s) of the beneficiaries.
- Charitable Remainder Trusts: You may name Baptist as the beneficiary or co-beneficiary of a charitable remainder trust. Baptist will serve as the co-trustee of the trust.
- Remainder Interest in a Residence or Farm in Retained Life Estate: Baptist may be named as the remainder interest in a residence or farm. The donor remains in the residence for their lifetime.
- Endowment Gifts: Gifts designated for Baptist endowment may be made to support the long-term success of the organization.
- Endowed Gifts: An endowed fund for gifts of $100,000 and above can be established and will be recognized as a permanently established endowed fund. Funds can be pledged over five years or made through a testamentary gift.
Baptist Health Care Foundation, Inc.
EIN 59-0192265
P.O. Box 17500
Pensacola, FL 32522