Gifts of Life Insurance

Image showing information about gifts of life insurance.

How it works:

  1. You transfer ownership of a paid-up life insurance policy to Baptist Health Care Foundation.
  2. The Foundation elects to cash in the policy now or to keep the policy and receive the death benefit later.


  • You receive gift credit and an immediate income-tax deduction for the cash surrender value of the policy.
  • In some cases, you can use the cash value in your policy to fund a life-income gift, such as a deferred gift annuity.
  • You can make a significant gift now to the Foundation without adversely affecting your cash flow.

Consider a gift of life insurance if you:

  • Maintain insurance coverage that your family no longer needs.
  • Have few appreciated securities in your portfolio, or few that you wish to donate.
  • Need a significant charitable deduction this year.

Please contact us at  850.469.7906 prior to making a gift by will or trust to ensure it follows our Gift Acceptance Policies.